Why Canada - Startup Canada Visa

Why Canada

We can give you 79 reasons why you’d want to be in Canada.
Below are just a few to name:

  • high standard of living
  • political stability
  • fast growing economy
  • a well-developed public education system
  • a good job market
  • free public health care system
  • a very strong banking system
  • a justice system that is equal for all
  • recognizes dual citizenship
  • support for multicultural and multilingual enterprises
  • encouragement of minority representation in the workforce and in educational institutions
  • full support for newcomers to canada
  • over 30 government programs supporting innovation and entrepreneurship

The best quality of life

For the fifth consecutive year, Canada ranks No. 1 overall for providing a good quality of life. Survey respondents view the North American country as No. 1 for being politically stable, No. 4 for having a well-developed public education system that was acknowledged by the World Economic Forum to be the best in the world, and No. 2 for having a good job market, a perception supported by independent research. Canada is seen as possessing the most well-developed free public health care system. It is rated in the top 10 in all but one of the nine attributes, affordability, where Asian countries dominate. Canada has a very strong banking system and a justice system that is equal for all.

Multiculturism and tolerance

Canada is a truly multicultural country with rich ethnic diversity. Multiculturalism is adopted in Canada as a national policy.

Canada recognizes dual citizenship, it supports multicultural and multilingual enterprises, it encourages minority representation in the workforce and in educational institutions, and it provides full support for newcomers to Canada (translation services, immigration advice).

Canada supports you.

Government support of Innovation and Entrepreneurship

Innovation, Science and Economic Development Canada (ISED) works with Canadians in all areas of the economy and in all parts of the country to improve conditions for investment, enhance Canada’s innovation performance, increase Canada’s share of global trade and build a fair, efficient and competitive marketplace. There are currently over 30 programs and initiatives.
There are also many different government business grants available for start-up companies. From refundable tax credits to cover your research and development costs to grants that allow you to hire fresh talent, the Canadian government has multiple federal programs and provincial grants designed to spur innovation.


Take your business in Canada to the next level!

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